Sunday, February 26, 2012

Initial Rider Measurements

Now it was time to take measurements of Meghan to to get an initial view as to how she would fit in the fairing. Full  scale side and top profiles were printed out and taped to large flat pieces of cardboard.  There is plenty of room for Meghan so hat is great news. We also took body measurements as well. The next step is to create a 3D mannequin CAD model of Megan to see how laid out she can in the fairing.  


  1. The top view looks a bit wide for the size of your rider. She should be squished in the hips and especially the shoulders. But if you simply removed material from the centerline in the top view, the overall length would get too short. You'd then have to cut the body in the middle across the waist (in the top view) and add a 6-12" in length. But you might want to extend the length anyway after she sits on the floor of the body. (then you'd lower the top of the body so it hits here toes and knees) But in lowering her position, she might run into the rear wheel, thus the need for additional length in the middle. Hope that makes sense.

  2. That was written by Larry Lem. I'm not sure why Google blogger didn't pick up on that.
