Sunday, January 29, 2012

Materials Update

So we now have the lumber for the mold boxes and a 10' piece of muffler tubing to use for our first prototype frames. So we can really get down to business and start designing the two prototype frames.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

All Time Women's 200 Meter Flying Start

Here is a list of the All Time Ladies 200 meter flying start. Something for Meghan to shoot for in the future. :-)

Speed (mph) Pilot Bike Location  Year
75.69 Barbara Buatois Varna Tempest Battle Mountain 2010
75.458 Barbara Buatois Varna Diablo 3 Battle Mountain 2009
73.294 Barbara Buatois Varna Tempest Battle Mountain 2009
72.79 Barbara Buatois Varna Tempest Battle Mountain 2010
72.534 Barbara Buatois Varna Diablo 3 Battle Mountain 2009
71.37 Barbara Buatois Varna Tempest Battle Mountain 2010
66.585 Lisa Vetterlein  Varna 2 Battle Mountain 2005
65.89 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2004
65.628 Andrea Blaseckie Varna Diablo II Battle Mountain 2005
65.36 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2008
65.293 Lisa Vetterlein  Varna II Battle Mountain 2005
65.21 Ellen van Vugt Speed Hawk II Battle Mountain 2010
65.169 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2008
65.046 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski II Battle Mountain 2005
64.91 Ellen van Vugt Speed Hawk II Battle Mountain 2010
64.74 Andrea Blaseckie Varna Mephisto II Battle Mountain 2002
62.924 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2008
62.83 Lisa Vetterlein  Varna II Battle Mountain 2005
62.677 Tanya Markham Varna Mephisto II Battle Mountain 2009
62.397 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2008
62.27 Andrea Blaseckie Varna Mephisto Battle Mountain 2002
61.8 Ellen van Vugt Varnowski Battle Mountain 2004
61.71 Andrea Blaseckie Varna Diablo II Battle Mountain 2005
60.741 Barbara Buatois Varna Tempest Battle Mountain 2010
60.62 Andrea Blaseckie Varna Mephisto II Battle Mountain 2002
60.173 Tanya Markham Varna Mephisto II Battle Mountain 2008

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Cheetah HPV (1992)

One of my favorite HPV's ever. The Cheetah held the World Speed Record (68.73 mph) for about 9 years I think.

There is a short clip in the video showing the Cheetah team performing an aerodynamic tuft test. It shoes  the airflow over the Cheetah faring. The airflow seems smooth over the sides but then goes turbulent at the tail section.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Visiting Cal Poly, SLO

On Saturday, January 7, 2012 we visited Cal Poly "aero hanger" to pick up the molds for the Atlas HPV. It's always fun to go back to where I spent so much time as a student! :-) The current Cal Poly students working on the HPV are an impressive bunch. They were hard at work sanding their current molds. I wish them the best at this year's ASME HPV competition.