Friday, December 23, 2011

Visiting George and Carole

On December 10, 2011 our team visited Carole and George Leone. We had a blast! He showed us Primal 2 and we got to ride the newest Cal Poly HPV prototype.  Meghan rode a recumbent bike for the first time ever and she took to it immediately. I look forward to see what she can do once she gets some training in a recumbent. :-) We also picked George's brain about HPV's for several hours. All in all it was a very productive trip. We'll be returning to visit them soon! :-)

Primal 2

 The Original Varna!

 Primal 2's Drivetrain

 George and I studying the drivetrain. I have a lot to learn!

 The newest Cal Poly HPV Prototype

George showing us to ride the bike without crashing.

 Meghan's first ever ride on a recumbent bike

 Meghan is having fun already!

 Meghan ready to go!

 Troy helping Meghan get going!

 Riding like a pro!

I hope Meghan is smiling like that when she's going 70+ mph!

Carole and George

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hidden Treasures

Recently I have been cleaning and organizing my garage. I have an overflow of books, magazines, mementos, my disassembled bike, a NordiTrack, plus lots of other "junk". I've been going through box after box to decide what I want to keep and what I am throwing away. Well, I found these hidden treasures! They are exactly what I need at this time! :-)